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Monkeys on my Head - a FO
Pattern: Cozy Critter Cap (Ravelry Link)
Needles: US5
Yarn: Patons Decor
Comments: I don't know if it's because I've knit the Monkey socks a few times now, but I just couldn't manage to stay interested in this hat for more than 10-15 minutes at a time. I, however, love the finished product. Definitely a product over process knit for me!
Holiday FOs and Progress Photos
Today I figured I'd blog about my progress on my Holiday Knit List - especially seeing as I didn't post any photos in my last post (and now I have a few). Lets start with the "in-progress" photos that I have so far:
First we have the 9 to 9 to 9 bag: The main body of the bag has been knit and felted (photo shows pre-felting size), and I am waiting for the yarn for the flowers to come in (which should be any day now. I have the lining fabric (black with white pin-dots), and still have to find some handles (no luck finding any online that don't come to $20+ after shipping).
Then we have the Aestlight Shawl for Julia:The main garter triangle is done, just have to pick up the stitches around the endge, knit the lace portion, then the edging. I don't think it'll take me too long - but I haven't had the concentration for it lately.
I do have progress on other projects, I just don't have photos yet - So, onto the finished projects!
First we have socks for my Dad:These have been done for quite some time now, and I couldn't be happier! My Dad loves plainly knit, plainly coloured socks, which are a monotonous knit. He's a hard person to shop for though, and he loves these, so they're worth it in the end!
Next we have the finished ornament set for the Ottawa Knit Nights swap:I had been considering adding a navy blue and a variegated blue/eggplant/coppery-brown ones, but I'm happy with this colour combo, and I'm not sure that it would look like a "set" with those 2 ornaments added. I may change my mind later, but I'm happy with how these 4 look together for now :)
That's all I have for photos for now - I'll post again when I have more. Happy knitting!
Holiday Knit List '09
We all know that there's a big holiday that's 5 months (and a bit) away, and I started freaking out last month because I had absolutely *nothing* done, and by June, I'm at least 30% way finished shopping/knitting through my list. I guess you could say that it really snuck up on me this year. So, I sat down and started making a list of people that my family will gift to, and choosing which ones I think are knit-worthy - which in the end, turns out to be not that many! I think I'm safe to post my Holiday Knit List, (minus one or two projects that will be for some people who may or may not read this). So, here it is (along with project statuses):
- My Dad (aka the man who lit the fire under my butt to knit socks): Plain ol' socks - Status: Done!
- My BFF: 9 to 9 to 9 felted bag (a Noni pattern) - Status: The main part of the bag is knit and felted, and liner fabric has been chosen from my fabric stash; Waiting for the yarn for the flowers to come in, and still need to find and buy handles.
- Julia: Aestlight Shawl (Status: Started) and a pair or two of socks (Status: Have yarn, waiting until fall to start so she doesn't outgrow them before she gets them - like last year!)
- Seth: Petit Poisson Blanket (Status: 20% done) and a pair or 2 of socks (Status: Same as Julia's socks)
- DH: Thuja socks (Status: ordered the yarn today) and possibly a scarf to go with the hat I knit him for last winter (Status: still contemplating!)
- Knit night ornament swap: 5 mini-sock ornaments (Status: 2 done, 3 to go)
Bye for now, and happy knitting!
I can't believe that I've gone so long without posting anything - sorry about that! While I've been away from blogging, I have managed to get a few projects done - mostly baby knitting it seems!
What I've knit (in no particular order):
1. Stash-busting Wascloths
2. Blanket for my newest nephew - Baby E (who is pictured, along with my handsome DH)
3. Soap Sock
4. Felted bowl (my first felting project)
5. Helena (from Knitty) for another Baby E (the second great-granddaughter on my DH's side) (This is actually complete - I just forgot to take a photo before sending it off. The new Mom has promised to take a photo for me when she gets a chance )
6. & 7. Daisy (from Knitty) with a matching Miss Dashwood hat (also from Knitty) for Baby K (new daughter of a family friend)
8. Slipper Socks (Spa Socks from an old issue of Knit.1)
9. Lake of the Woods (while it was blocking - haven't managed to take any other photos of it yet)
I also have a few other projects on the go (mostly socks), but I don't have any photos of them - I'll post again when I do!
March is here!
Happy March everyone! It's starting to feel like this year is just zooming right by!
February seems to have seen the return of my knitting mojo - 7 completed projects in February!
- The Branching Out scarf I started back in January
- Gathered Scarf
- Nova Mitts
- My first short-row heel socks (for Miss J)
- Loop-through scarf
- Ribbed hat
- a very plain wash cloth
In other news, I recently realized that I haven't bought any yarn in over a month! Everything I've knit this year (with the exception of the Branching Out and J's socks - but J bought that yarn with her own money), has been knit with stash yarn and I'm not even on a "yarn diet". I'm just a little bit impressed with myself and can't help but wonder how long this is going to last...
Lake of the (Ninja Turtle Barf) Woods
I've wanted to knit Ilga Leja's Lake of the Woods from the moment I first saw it - same colourway (Nova Scotia) and yarn (Fleece Artist Silk Stream). When I went in search of the yarn, I was dissappointed to discover that it had been discontinued.
When looking around on Ravelry, I learned that Fleece Artist had produced a "Very Special Limited Edition" yarn for Knitty-Noddy (Merino 3/6) that would be a perfect substitution. When I went and checked it out, they had it availible in the colourway I wanted, but the photos of the yarn looked darker than those on Ilga's pattern. I went with it anyways, thinking "such is the nature of hand-dyed" and that it would still look beautiful.
The funny thing is, while I was knitting, all I could think was "Ninja Turtles", and when I showed this to DH...
Me: Can you come look at this? I want to see if you see the same thing I do.
*DH comes in*
Me: Is it just me, or does this look like...
DH: Yeah, it looks like Ninja Turtles
I didn't even have to say it. I don't know about you, but I don't think I want to walk around looking like the blue Ninja Turtle exploded all over me!
I will definitely knit this pattern with a different yarn, but this one is off to the frog pond!