Yes, Spring is almost upon us (still not warm enough here for me to say that it's here), and I'm here thinking and planning Christmas! No, I'm not crazy, I'm just (attempting to be) organized!
Last year was my first Christmas as a knitter, and I think I planned out too much to do in a too-short period of time - I refuse to do that again this year!!!
Not including DH, J, S and myself, we have 18 people that we gift to. Yes, that's a ton of people, but that's **DOWN** from the 24 that we had on there last year!!! Last year, I started buying gifts in June. That, apparently, was a good idea. However, I did not think about the crafting aspect until mid to late August. That, of course, was not the greatest of ideas, as it did not factor in the potential for yarn emergencies, pattern problems, etc. (which, of course, I had).
This year will be different. In fact, it already is different! I had my mom's gift finished up in January, and my "rough draft" list done by February. Now, I'm starting to nail things down and into place so I can start purchasing supplies and get into gear. I will NOT be doing any gift knitting come December 1st.
So, here is the somewhat finalized Christmas '08 Gift Knitting List:
Miss J: Drive Thru Sweater (she may get this early - haven't decided for sure yet), a pair of socks, a blanket (although, I may end up making her a quilt instead - only time will tell) & some wash cloths
Mr.S: A sweater, a blanket & some wash cloths
My Dad: Socks (now a traditional gift)
MIL: Foliage hat, fingerless mitts & some wash cloths
Best Friend: 2 pairs of Fetching (one pair black, the other pair purple)
Sister: Evangeline
DH: a hat
DH's Gramma: Wash cloths and perhaps a knit bath puff
I have other crafts I do as well, so I'll list the other things I'll be making as well:
- "I Spy" Bags x3 (2 nephews & Miss J)
- Soaps (DH's Gramma & likely for one of his aunts as well who loves my soaps)
- Crayon Rolls x4 (2 nephews, a cousin & Miss J)
- Colouring Book Covers x3 (Nephews & a cousin)
That seems to be it for now - but it's definitely enough to keep me busy!!
In other news, I finished the Mermaid Mittens and they are AWESOME!! I LOVE them to bits!!!

Well, that's all for now! I'll be back with my April goals in the next few days!