
Pattern Name: Tuscany
Source: No Sheep For You
Yarn: Elann Sonata
Colourway: Victorian Grape
Needles: US 6 Brittanys to start, switching to US6 Clover Takumi Circs as soon at they arrive
Being Made for: Mother-in-Law's Christmas Gift
Progress: Mid way through the 3rd set of pattern reps. (further than what the photo shows). I might be able to finish the current set of repeats before switching to the circs is mandatory.

Comments: So far, this is a pretty simple knit - one that I can usually manage to work on even when hubby isn't home to help with the kids. I'm pretty happy with the progress so far - the one semi-problem I have with it is that the YOs on one edge show up more than the ones on the other :/