The death of socks...

My knitting soul is crying. Seriously. Less than 2 frigging months of wear, and look at what happens!

Oh, Birthday socks, How I loved you
So cozy and warm,
You fit just right
Not too loose, and not too tight...

I loved knitting with the Knit Picks Memories. I loved how it felt on my feet...

However, I did not enjoy how it pilled like there was no tomorrow, and I'm definitely NOT digging these holes! I've not even managed 2 full months of wear!!!!!!!! Scratch that, I don't even think it's been a month and a half....

Birthday socks, you will be well missed....


Jenn February 28, 2008 at 10:03 PM  

I weep for your poor bare toes. Sock death is a terrible thing.

Joe March 1, 2008 at 10:28 AM  

I had a similar experience with KnitPicks' Cadena - I made slippers for my husband with it, and they are completely torned with holes after barely a few weeks =/ Definitely unpleasant!

Anonymous March 10, 2008 at 5:49 AM  

Was that the redwoods colorway?

Same *exact* thing happened to my jaywalkers in that yarn, in that colorway.


At least it's a good excuse to knit more socks, though, right?