WIP Reports...

Currently OTN:

Wicked: Stalled until new options cables arrive (one broke, the other is well on it's way to breaking) - Hopefully cables will be in by the weekend!

Monkeys: About to start the foot on sock 2 - somewhat suffering SSS on this one (that or I'm pining after Wicked too much)

Jaywalkers: Stalled on the heel of sock 1. Don't get me wrong - I love the pattern, but the needles (smallest I've used yet) are really killing my hands. Plus, I have forever to finish them!

Charity hats: #3 is cast on

Oh, wait! I never posted about charity hats, did I? I've decided that, in an attempt to rid my stash of those yarns that are nice and soft, yet I have no other purpose for (read: single or half balls of acrylic from when I was first starting to knit last year), I'm going to knit baby hats for the "Hats for Alex" campaign (you can read about that HERE )

It's a good cause, and a worthy way of getting rid of what you might not use (but aren't willing to throw away either!). If you have the time, I encourage you to check it out! My goal for this year will be the same as my sock goal - one a month, or 12 hats total (something that I think is an easily attainable goal).

2 hats down (Pastel green hat not pictured...still need a photo - oops!)....

10 more to go!