I love mittens (and I mean REALLY love) - especially hand-knit ones. Last spring, I finally finished a pair that ended up being my favorite ones ever - my Mermaid Mitts. Oh, how I loved those mitts - and I didn't even manage to get a full winter of wear out of them! "Why?" you ask? Because my cute little monster of a boy flushed one down the toilet!
I had them in a bin, soaking in wool wash. I had put that bin in the bathtub, thinking that it would be a safe spot, as it has been since we moved here (seriously, neither of the kids have bothered with it before now). Plunk! Splash! Flush!
Losing my favorite.mittens.ever. is bad enough on it's own, but then there was the fact that they were my *ONLY* pair at the time (I had gotten rid of the other mittens I had at the beginning of the winter because they were ratty and old), and it was right in the middle of the ABSOLUTE FREEZING spell that we had.
I have to admit, I don't have much in the way of worsted weight yarn in my stash, so when I (somewhat frantically) went through my stash, I was lucky to find a remnant that was big enough for some mittens.
So now, I present my emergency mittens:

They're quite warm and squishy - they're rather plain, and not my Mermaids, but they'll do for now (and as a permanent back-up).
And, yes, I've learned my lesson - always have more than one pair!
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