
Ok, so I know that I never got around to posting about recent projects, or doing an end of year post. Quite frankly, I got quite sick in December, and wasn't up to doing much of anything (other than plurking). Then came the new year, where I haven't been able to concentrate on anything other that a massive re-organization/de-stash of our entire house (just got sick and tired of all the "stuff", ya know?). Anyways...

Today I got tagged by Michelle over at The Zen of Knitting for 5 Projects (+1), so here are my projects:

  1. Knit myself a pair of Thrummed Mittens - I have a Fleece Artist kit that I got for Christmas, so all I have to do is find the time to knit it up!
  2. Paint the rest of the rooms that I want painted - This means the bathroom, the kitchen, master bedroom, and possibly the office. This is going to take awhile!
  3. Knit a blanket for the back of the couch - Pretty self-explanitory. I think I'd like to knit a blanket from Knitting Nature (the name escapes me at the moment), possibly in Cascade 220 Superwash.
  4. Knit Stockings for the 4 of us - DH, Miss J, the Little Man and myself that is. Still trying to decide on patterns, but leaning towards the Cascade 220 SW again - I like the stuff!
  5. Knit up either the Special Limited Edition Fleece Artist or the sweater quantity of Berroco Ultra Alpaca Light - Both of these are taking up too much room in the stash container, and are the 2 largest yarn purchases I've made to date (combined total is just above $120, IIRC). I don't like that they're just sitting there!
Now, I'm supposed to tag 5 other people to do this, but the few people I can think of to do this are already doing it! So, if you're reading and would like to do this too - consider yourself tagged, and leave a message in the comments to let me know!

Considering that I haven't posted any photos for awhile, I'll end this post with a photo of my lovely Thrummed Mitten kit! Ta for now!