Another FO!

I finished Counterpoint last night, and I am totally impressed (as is hubby - I honestly think he's more impressed than I am - lol)!

I've left it without tassels for now - I'll add them after I give it to her if she wants them, but I'm happy without them for now :)

So, that's 2 Christmas FO's this month! Yay for progress! I still have quite a bit ahead of me, but I am happy with the progress so far.

I'm thinking that I might pick up Sarah's Blanket again tonight while doing some tv watching, but for now I'm working on my dad's socks. Hubby has taken the kids downtown for lunch, so I think I might put Dad's socks down for a bit to work on his socks (I haven't touched them in at least 2 weeks now - eek!). I won't get any other time this week as he's home 'til Monday now (was supposed to be going back to work tomorrow) to help me with the kids as I'm STILL pretty much useless from the surgery.

I've decided that the KP orange-ish yarn will definitely become a cardigan. I'm kinda torn between 3 patterns though. It'll either be Wendy Bernard's "Something Red" long sleeved version (or maybe the 3/4 sleeve version - I like them both!), a Central Park Hoodie, or, Laura Chau's Lucy in the Sky.....Hmmm.... Opinions anyone?