Sad news...

This is going to be a bit of a sad post - no real good news to report, only sad/disappointing stuff.

I guess I'll start off with the least bad first. I had managed to work my way through the first 2 sets of repeats on the Ruby Tuscany. I was happy. It was moving quickly. That mistake I made in that first repeat - I thought I could handle it. I swore it wasn't going to bother me. Well, I looked at it this morning, and it drove me insane! Can we say "Ribbit! Ribbit". That's right. I frogged it. Have I mentioned how little time there is left between now and my knitting deadlines? Oh boy....

This next bit of news is something that is really saddening - my sister-in-law, she lost the baby :( I really don't know what to say. I want to try to do something for her and BIL, but I don't know what to say/do... I can't even begin to imagine. She doesn't want to talk about it at all - which I find to be totally understanding. I just feel the need to do something, I just don't know what :(